The numbers are indeed alarming. According to the Prison Policy Initiative, with roughly 49,000 people incarcerated in prisons and jails across Indiana, the state's incarceration rate of 765 per 100,000 residents surpasses not only the national average but also stands significantly higher than that of every other Western democratic country in the world. Unsurprisingly, minorities, particularly African American, Latino, and Native American communities, bear the disproportionate burden of Indiana's mass incarceration policies.
Consider this: According to the Bureau of Justice, an estimated 28.5% of black men compared to 4.4% of white men are expected to serve a State or Federal prison sentence. With the addition of the 3.6% of African American women who are expected to share the same fate, the staggering reality is that one-third of the African American population in this country is either currently entangled in or will be connected to the criminal justice system at some point in their lifetime.
The stark reality conveyed by these statistics is undeniable, bordering on what some might characterize as a form of cultural genocide. The profound absence of African American males within their own communities has inflicted and perpetuates a tremendous toll on the very fabric of family units, contributing to their steady unraveling and the subsequent social disintegration. This erosion undermines community cohesion, economic stability, and the overall well-being of future generations, echoing far-reaching consequences that extend beyond familial boundaries.
Moreover, these men and women eventually come home. Roughly 600,000 individuals are released from prisons nationwide each year (approximately 10,000 annually in Indiana alone). Unfortunately, upon reentry into society, the predicament of mass incarceration is compounded by the inequitable practices faced by the justice-involved. Despite harboring aspirations of starting afresh and leaving past mistakes behind, instead, many returnees encounter discrimination, isolation, and disenfranchisement; perpetuating a cycle of marginalization that further impedes their ability to reintegrate successfully into their communities.
In effect, Indiana's legislative and policy landscape has effectively erected a legalized Jim Crow system for the justice involved. The evidence speaks volumes: a staggering 76% of individuals released from prison find themselves back within the system's confines within 5 years of release. However, a closer examination reveals that this high recidivism rate is not necessarily indicative of failed rehabilitation efforts. In fact, the majority of individuals reincarcerated are not returned to prison due to the commission of a new criminal offenses (as the word recidivism implies) but rather as a consequence of parole or probation violations—failing drug tests, traveling out of state without permission, or struggling to maintain employment, among other infractions.
The catch 22 is that the nature of these violations is often intrinsically linked to the very discriminatory hurdles the system imposes on the justice-involved. Housing, for instance, remains elusive for anyone with a felony record, irrespective of the passage of time since the offense. Similarly, employment opportunities, crucial for upward mobility, are frequently denied to qualified individuals simply because of their justice involvement.
With such systemic challenges in place, it's evident that comprehensive reform is imperative. Embracing initiatives like the Hustle & Build entrepreneurial training program is an opportunistic first step that offers a beacon of hope for those seeking to break free from the cycle of incarceration and disenfranchisement. The justice-involved do not have to be slaves to the numbers. Through empowerment and entrepreneurship, the justice-involved can reclaim agency over their lives, contributing to the creation of more equitable and inclusive communities for all.